Monday, February 8, 2010

Amarok Vs Xine

I am a fedora(fedora 10 GNOME) user and like many others installed amarok as my music player.
It was working fine but some time back it started giving me bugs instead of music.
I searched fedora forums and every post was helpful but it just didn't solve my problem. Amarok was still showing an idle window even after opening a  music file for the nth time.
So i tried out xine and till now it is working fine. More than fine i should say.Right now the only thing I ask myself is 'why didn't I do it earlier?'


  1. well, from what i noticed, amarok is best for a K desktop environment.. thats why ubuntu ships with something called Rhythmbox. its a very good substitute for amarok, providing all of amarok's features, without bugs on GNOME.. try it out if you care to..

  2. I dont use KDE too slow for my comp thats why.
    thanks anyways
